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Buboi has a lot of characteristics that differentiate them from the rest of the breeds and make them a real companion. The love and devotion for the owner are unique, Buboi being extremely jealous of any other person who approaches their comfort zone.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life everywhere, and your dog's routine has probably been affected as well. He may sleep, eat and walk at different times, or spend more time indoors as a result of an extended period of time indoors. These changes can lead to stress and boredom, so it is important to establish new routines and use dog toys that provide emotional stimulation and interaction to keep the dog concerned and relieve the anxiety he may feel.
π£ “Chihuahuas are easily provoked and very vocal. A big dog in a small dog’s body, the Chihuahua is quick to make their unhappiness known and will become vocal and snappy if they feel the need. It’s important to remember that for this diminutive breed, anti-social behaviours are usually triggered by your Chihuahua feeling threatened or afraid so early socialisation and plenty of regular exposure to other dogs and people is crucial for nurturing a well-rounded and confident pet.”
π£ There are several reasons for Chihuahuas tremble. Chihuahuas typically tremble when they’re excited or anxious. Trembling can also be a sign of various health conditions, including low blood sugar or allergies. If you’re worried about your pet, it’s best to seek an opinion from your vet.
π£ “Chihuahuas are also known to be smart dogs because they can easily learn tricks and obey their owner's commands like other breeds. They should be treated properly. Just as people have different learning abilities, so do dogs.”
Why give your dog honey and what beneficial effects it has for him
π£Maple honey for dogs
Maple essence syrup is not a type of honey. However, due to its texture and color, many people mistakenly believe that it can and is wondered if it can be taken by dogs. This substance is also called maple syrup and, as indicated, is extracted from the sap of this tree. If we buy pure, organic maple syrup without added sugar, we can also give it to dogs, because it has vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
π£“Honey is a wonderful food, with many beneficial properties for the human body, but also for dogs.
But few owners know this. If you haven't given your dog honey before, it's time to start. Honey has antibacterial, antiseptic, digestive and emollient properties. stomach problems).”
π£“But you have to make sure that the honey is 100% natural, otherwise the effect will not be the desired one. ”
π£“Manuka honey for dogs
This type of honey has become popular in recent years for its excellent properties. Manuka honey is considered one of the best honey for healing wounds and relieving stomach pain for its incredible effects. The same results can be seen in animals, so manuka honey is good for dogs.”
π£ Properties and benefits of honey for dogs.
As we mentioned in the previous section, each type of honey has special properties that translate into different benefits. However, in general, all honeys have common benefits and we will talk about them. Thus, honey is good for dogs for the following benefits:vitamin C and some B vitamins.
π£ It is a source of strength due to the natural sugars it contains (mainly fructose and glucose). 100 grams of honey contains 300 calories.
It is rich in minerals, the most notable being calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
Contains vitamin C and some B vitamins.