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Hello Everyone, We Put a  Smile On Evry Face.


 πŸ—£ Buboi's characteristics make him different

Buboi has a lot of characteristics that differentiate them from the rest of the breeds and make them a real companion. The love and devotion for the owner are unique, Buboi being extremely jealous of any other person who approaches their comfort zone.

Signs indicating your dog's need for additional cognitive stimulation

πŸ—£ A dog with insufficient cognitive and emotional stimulation will become frustrated and look for opportunities to consume energy, which can lead to obvious behavioral problems, such as excessive barking, digging, jumping, agitation, attention-grabbing, and destructive behavior.

πŸ—£If you see any of these signs in your dog, it may be a sign that he is getting bored and needs more cognitive stimulation.

How to keep your dog busy during the COVID-19 pandemic

πŸ—£ Providing emotional and physical stimulation for dogs during the time spent indoors, thanks to COVID-19 not only helps to remove boredom, but can also alleviate the anxiety caused by changes in their routine.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed everyday life everywhere, and your dog's routine has probably been affected as well. He may sleep, eat and walk at different times, or spend more time indoors as a result of an extended period of time indoors. These changes can lead to stress and boredom, so it is important to establish new routines and use dog toys that provide emotional stimulation and interaction to keep the dog concerned and relieve the anxiety he may feel.

Buboi was born with Molera

πŸ—£Buboi was born last, being the fifth dog, he was much smaller and weaker than his brothers.

Chihuahua puppies are the only dogs that are born with Molera, that soft part of the head, which babies also have. I went to Buboi with two doctors and each doctor had his own opinion about Buboi's growth and development. The first doctor said that Buboi does not have many chances of survival, and if he lives he will go blind, or he will have problems with the development of the skull, or the brain does not develop.

The second doctor said that it can grow like an ordinary dog ​​only needs a lot of attention the first 6-9 months of life.

My family and I became very attached to Buboi and adopted him from some family friends.

I paid for all his vaccines, I chipped him. Since the day I adopted Buboi, he has been part of the family!

Because we care


πŸ—£Chihuahua puppies such as Buboi have a fast metabolism, which means that they burn calories very quickly, although their small stomach requires them to eat little and often. Foods for small breeds are specially designed to contain adequate levels of key nutrients and have smaller food bowl sizes to fit their small mouths. It also encourages chewing and improves digestion..


πŸ—£Care is not particularly demanding in Buboi's case. He has long hair and needs a good brushing and combing once a week. His long-furred beard or collar needs a wash, as they can hide food scraps. Buboi sheds, but being small, he doesn't lose much hair. It is a good idea to brush your dog's teeth every day because, as with all small breeds, they are prone to the formation of thick tartar.


πŸ—£Buboi being a Teacup Chihuahua has a surprising ammount of energy which to some  is surprising as you'd think the long hair would get in their way. But that is normal with Chihuahua dogs as they have bursts of energy while playing with enthusiasm. They also don't need much walking - with half an hour a day being the norm for us. I recommend that your Chihuahua also wear a harness instead of a leash because of their fragile trachea.

     Are Chihuahuas aggressive?

 πŸ—£ “Chihuahuas are easily provoked and very vocal. A big dog in a small dog’s body, the Chihuahua is quick to make their unhappiness known and will become vocal and snappy if they feel the need. It’s important to remember that for this diminutive breed, anti-social behaviours are usually triggered by your Chihuahua feeling threatened or afraid so early socialisation and plenty of regular exposure to other dogs and people is crucial for nurturing a well-rounded and confident pet.”

      Why do Chihuahuas shake?

πŸ—£ There are several reasons for Chihuahuas tremble. Chihuahuas typically tremble when they’re excited or anxious. Trembling can also be a sign of various health conditions, including low blood sugar or allergies. If you’re worried about your pet, it’s best to seek an opinion from your vet.

Chihuahuas smart dog

πŸ—£ “Chihuahuas are also known to be smart dogs because they can easily learn tricks and obey their owner's commands like other breeds. They should be treated properly. Just as people have different learning abilities, so do dogs.”

Why give your dog honey and what beneficial effects it has for him

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